A Juliastri Syafruddin
March 12, 2023

How to Add Oomph to Your Storytelling

Whilst there is no consensus about the best style in telling a story, there are techniques that you can implement to make you better in storytelling. At DotDesign, we believe that authenticity, characters, flow, proper use of punctuation and perfect visuals are the key ingredients to keep your readers engaged and get through your story.

Overview: In this article, we will be discussing techniques that you can utilise to deliver a story that keeps your audience engaged. This article is particularly relevant for small business owners or entrepreneurs who handle their own marketing communication.

5 minute read

Remember the New York-Best Selling book, Sapiens and how it took the world by storm stating that the key to human’s race existence lies in the ability to create a story? Well, we are sure that you do remember and even, agreed with the statement! Humans are storytellers. In fact, our communication skills take a huge role in helping us survive natural selection. There is no wonder why those men and women who hold C-suite positions in big corporations score high in communication skills.

What does it tell us? It tells us that story is our tool to build connection and while everyone can tell a story, not everyone can deliver it in a way that makes our pupils dilating and our hearts racing. The truth is, a great storyteller brings life to the message that he or she wants to convey.  So, if your job somehow involves storytelling but then you score low in communication skills or you have a business with a great story but not sure how to tell it. Rest assured, here we list down several tips to give some oomph to your storytelling.

Unsplash - Brett Jordan

1. Authenticity

A duo of well-known sociologists, Adorno and Horkheimer in their book, The Culture Industry posited that our world is a mere social construct. Our perception about the world is actually a product of a giant corporation who wants us to see the world in the way it desires. Fortunately, nowadays we have a better awareness about who we are and realise that our society is indeed full of contrived stories. That is why stories that make a huge impact in our society are the ones with the bravery to speak the truth, honestly showing that life is chaotic and a struggle. In the context of telling what’s good about your business, you need to endeavor to be genuine and vulnerable. For instance, dare yourself to share your experience when you first discovered your business idea, the struggles you encountered during the process of manifesting the idea and how good it felt when you finally converted your first customer!

2. Characters

Compelling stories are the ones that invoke emotional senses and what tool that is best to make your audience feel like that they play a part in your story than using characters? Yes, using characters in your storytelling will allow you to create a connection with your audience. A Hollywood story consultant, Bobette Buster, in her interview with a journalist said that the journey of storytelling is the ultimate journey of connection. Through this connection, we find a medium to express our need to have someone hear us and say ‘I got your point’! So, take the opportunity to be the main character in your own story and let your audience experience your emotions directly. 

Unsplash - Averie Woodard

3. Flow

Humans are in need for progress but oftentimes, we find ourselves stuck in life and end up feeling stressed or anxious. According to the theory of uses and gratification, when such a situation happens particularly in the era of consumerism, we turn to the media to find solace in entertainment or inspiring stories. Furthermore, in the US alone, 33% adults experience anxiety over the last year due to the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic. So, imagine if a few percent of the statistics somehow come across your business on social media or through search engines, would you let the potential customers go away? We bet you won’t. That said, put your best story online. Engage your potential customers with a narrative that brings them forward and gives them a sense of development. After all, what hooks an audience in a movie or novel is the twist, the break with the past but then a steady journey towards the place where we want to be.

4. Punctuation

Regardless of the medium, be it in writing or oral message delivery, the right placement of punctuation is vital. Good writers value punctuation for the clarity it provides to the message they are trying to deliver. Meanwhile, orators harness the use of punctuation to set the tone of their speech. As a business owner or entrepreneur with a story to tell, always endeavour to use proper punctuation when communicating. 

Unsplash - Namroud Gorguis

5. Perfect Visuals 

It is widely-acknowledged that Humans are visual creatures. Studies show that 65% of us process visual data faster than other types of data. Therefore, we learn faster about a subject when it is presented with visual materials. Quite often, the greatest value to your business lies in the people who know nothing about you. In order to convert them into your prospects, make them understand about your business through a combination of a well-crafted story and corresponding visual arts. With that in mind, never underestimate the power of adding the right visuals into your storytelling.

In essence, telling a powerful story is an art of incorporating elements that provoke our senses and judgement. Not everyone is born with the skills but it can be acquired with constant practice in using the five tips we shared above.  

Need more on this? crafting the best visual that is aligned with your brand personality and story is what we do best at DotDesign. So, if you feel that you want to add oomph to your storytelling, Feel free to be in touch with us!



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